Sunday 5th August 2018
Sunday 5th August 2018
Sunday 22-7-18
Sunday 22-7-18
Sunday 5-8-18
Sunday 5-8-18
Sunday 29-7-18
Sunday 29-7-18
Brockholes Village Trust
Manages the village hall in Brockholes and aims to make Brockholes a better place to live
Honley Village Community Trust
Voluntary Organisation for the preservation, conservation and advancement of the physical and natural environment of Honley village and the surrounding area. Includes the work of Honley Civic Society.
Honley Business Association
What's in and on in Honley
Samaritan's Purse
Organiser of Operation Christmas Child, the annual shoebox appeal
Imparts valuable advice for people seeking drug and alcohol rehabilitation
Mothers' Union is an international Christian membership charity that aims to demonstrate the Christian faith in action through the transformation of communities worldwide.
We are working with people of all faiths and none in 83 countries to promote stable marriage, family life and the protection of children through praying, enabling and campaigning.
Christian Aid
Working to bring an end to poverty around the world
Brockholes (CE) Primary School
Website of Brockholes Primary School, a 4-11 Church primary school in the parish.
Honley (CE) Junior, Infant and Nursery School
Website of the 4-11 age range Church of England Junior, Infant and Nursery School in Honley
The Church of England
Website of the Church of England
The Diocese of Leeds
Website of the Anglican Diocese of Leeds
The Prayer Book Society
The Charity is established for the advancement of the Christian religion as set forth in the Book of Common Prayer; and, in furtherance of this Object, for the promotion of the worship and doctrine enshrined in the Book of Common Prayer and its use for services, teaching and training throughout the Church of England and other Churches in the Anglican tradition.
The Good Book Company
All of us here at The Good Book Company are passionate about the Lord Jesus, His word, His church and His gospel of grace. Motivated by this passion and our involvement in local churches, it is our privilege to create and select trustworthy, relevant and accessible resources that will encourage you and your church family to keep going, keep growing and keep sharing your faith.
As an international Christian publisher, our Bible studies, books, devotionals, videos, tracts, evangelistic courses and training materials are used throughout the English-speaking world, and in translation to over 35 languages worldwide.
The Proclamation Trust
The fundamental conviction underlying the work of The Proclamation Trust is that when the Bible is taught God himself speaks, and his voice is heard clearly today.
The main aim of the trust, therefore, is to teach the Bible to preachers in order that they can in turn teach it to others. A further aim is to provide a fellowship of like-minded evangelicals across the denominations for encouragement in an exacting work.
Yorkshire Gospel Partnership
The Yorkshire Gospel Partnership exists to serve gospel churches throughout the whole of Yorkshire by means of multiplying churches, providing training and increasing co-operation.
Church Edit
Church Edit is the UKs leading provider of church websites and provides the website for our parish.