

You will need: digestive biscuits, icing, small marshmallows, small chocolate drops, individual swiss rolls or chocolate logs, chocolate fingers or Matchmakers.


Make up icing to a spreadable consistency. Give each child a biscuit and ask them to spread one side of the biscuit with icing and then to stick marshmallows onto the icing to form fleecy coat of sheep. Ask the children to add chocolate drops for the eyes and broken matchmakers for the legs of the sheep.


Cover a large tray or baking sheet with green napkins to form the grass of the sheepfold. Ask the children to place their sheep biscuits on the grass and then to build a wall around the edge of the tray using swiss rolls or chocolate logs and to form a gate using chocolate fingers or Matchmakers.


Read the story from John 10 v1-10


To Talk About

Look at what you have made Talk about the story and Jesus making sure the sheep are safe by being like the gate and the sheep safe inside. Talk about ways Jesus looks after us and how we can look after each other.



Lord Jesus, you too want to keep us safe, to shepherd us into your family.

Help us let people know when we are scared or upset. Help us to accept the help of those who loves us:

our families, our friends, our church family. Help us to let them protect us. Amen

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